How to Pass a Volleyball for Beginners

Welcome to the exciting world of volleyball! If you’re a beginner eager to learn the basics of passing, commonly referred to as “bumping” or “pumping,” you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential techniques to help you start your volleyball journey on the right foot.

The Foundation: Creating a Solid Platform

Before diving into the dynamic aspects of passing, let’s establish the foundation – creating a solid platform with your hands. Begin by positioning your thumbs together, forming a flat surface. This is crucial, as a straight forearm ensures a consistent and effective pass. Avoid bending your arms; maintaining a straight line from elbow to hands is key.

Explore different hand configurations – some prefer overlapping hands, while others opt for making fists with one hand and cupping the other. Regardless of your choice, focus on keeping your thumbs together and your arms straight.

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Contact Point: Utilizing the Forearm

To achieve a successful pass, the ball should consistently contact the forearm’s flat surface. Your hands have many bones, leading to potential unevenness. To counter this, emphasize creating a stable platform to ensure the ball consistently lands on your forearm during contact.

Power Generation: Body Movement

One common misconception among beginners is associating the power of a pass with arm movement. In reality, the power stems from your body. To train this, have a partner toss the ball while you are on one knee. Maintain the correct hand position and lean forward, utilizing your leg strength to push the ball back. Keep your hands in front of your knee, avoiding any contact with your body.

Transition to Movement: Hands Apart, Body Engaged

Once you’ve mastered the stationary pass, it’s time to incorporate movement. Just as in running, where your hands naturally move apart, in volleyball, your hands should stay apart as you pass. Start with simple lateral movements, practicing passing while keeping your hands separated. This technique allows for flexibility and agility during gameplay.

Practice and Progression

As you become more comfortable with the fundamentals, progress to standing and varying your movement directions. Experiment with forward and backward motions, as well as side-to-side steps. You can even challenge yourself by incorporating wall passes to enhance your reflexes.

Remember, the key to improvement lies in consistent practice. Increase the pace, try different directions, and challenge yourself with various drills. The possibilities are endless, but always prioritize the core fundamentals: a solid platform, minimal arm swinging, and movement with hands apart.


Congratulations on taking the first steps towards mastering the art of passing in volleyball. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights for beginners. Stay tuned for more skill progression tips, and don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment with any questions you may have. Happy playing!

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